Self-realization or self-knowledge furnishes encyclopedic view of life. It is the highest manifestation of knowledge, embracing and consummating all other facts and factors related to knowledge. It is the rudimentary course of the Upanishad entrusted as the ultimate goal of life. “The self is the goal of life; attain this goal.” To attain this deep rooted and enduring code of conduct, one needs to mark one’s strength, purge all delusions and mask self images that one simulates for different people’s perceptions and gratify ego.
L. R. Public School has the genial task at hand to uphold the gifts of Traditional Education System, inaugurating standards of behaviour to the children, assisting them to discern, assimilate self discoveries with the perfect blend of new and advanced trends of education. To maintain the pace with these hallmarks of life in the class indeed is a difficult task but not impossible. Dedication, commitment of the torchbearers, cooperation and allegiance of the parents contribute to have a riser to begin with the hike of self-realization.
“The future belongs to the young. It is a young and new world which is now under process of development and it is the young who must create it.”
Hefty roots are required to touch the zenith of life. No term, no condition, no factor is too exorbitant to shield the beacon of inner liberty. It must continue to ignite till eternity.
Wake up! Be thy self
L.R. Public School